Brief description of your role
Neighborhood Response Group (NRG) Leader
Oversee and coordinate all disaster response issues for the 450 homes in Mariner Cove
Ongoing communication with the community and our 98-member disaster team to keep them updated / prepared on earthquake, flood & fire issues, which continually change
Train and keep members informed on disaster procedures and best practices
Work with the Town of Corte Madera, CERT, Central Marin Fire and Central Marin NRG to assist in communication on disaster planning
Inform every homeowner of standard disaster procedures and encourage compliance
Obtain and update the homeowner’s emergency data yearly and ongoing as needed
Schedule and manage the bi-annual disaster drills for Mariner Cove
Oversee the Emergency Trailer and its contents at the Cove School
Provide radios and medical bags for Block Captains and Medical Teams
Provide material for the NRG website as needed
Communicate with other NRGs to share needs and ideas
Time commitment - monthly/annually
Almost impossible to say~ this by its nature is a full time job.
It has been a shared job and should continue to be because of its demands and urgent nature
Preparation for drills begins (3) months before each drill
Relevant technology you use to complete the task
Meetings you must attend
Board meetings quarterly
Town Disaster meetings monthly
Advisory Committee meeting monthly
Projects and/or events you manage
Bi-annual drills
Training sessions
Annual budget
Approximately $1000
Any other information you think is important
The leadership positions here require a very strong commitment